Dr. Danielle Wise
Highly trained. Deeply experienced.
Personal support and advocacy for the people and causes that matter.
Discover yourSelf as a fully embodied being; it’s time to bring together a lifetime of experiences into a unified whole.
Gift yourself with honest dialogue that shows up as deep listening and no bullshit nudging. People working to build lives beyond what previously stopped them are inspired to new avenues of personal and professional triumph.
embodied Integration
Integration is the act of bringing diverse parts, people, ideas together to recognize and fully support the whole. We work together to embrace all parts of Self: the difficult, the hard, the fun, and the joy. Integration brings us to a place of self-acceptance, self-love, and compassion for all the experiences that offer presence to now and inspires creativity for the unknown future. By doing so we meet this over and over again during a lifetime and become a fully embodied being.
“To be honest, we collaborate an ongoing, lifelong daily practice, not a hurry up one-and-done process. The fable of the ‘Tortoise and the Hare’ is a personal favorite since childhood and a favorite as a coach. I keep my own team of coaches, mentors, and utilize therapy as a tenacious practice for life. I can’t hold hard deadlines on how swift or focused any individual will be. It becomes your personalized program as I follow your story and intercept missed details. Curiosity is essential to this process and my ongoing commitment to find the missing keys to open gates to inner wisdom and truth; my practice every day in my life and in the lives of people who get curious with me.”